Make it yourself:
- Place the cheese on the serving dish.
- Chop toasted almonds and dates and arrange on the cheese (see below).
- Place a few whole almonds and nuts around the cheese.

- Place half a cup of caster sugar in a clean dry pan and turn heat on.
- Watch carefully as sugar melts, do not stir or sugar sticks.
- The sugar caramelises from pale to deep brown quite quickly. Don't walk away while this is happening or the sugar will burn.
- Once the sugar has achieved a deep brown colour remove from heat and pour over the cheese (below).

Sugar will cool to a hard crust. If you live in a humid environment the sugar will sweat so only pour on shortly before serving.
Sure to please cheese lovers of all ages.
I like to serve with a few grapes or juicy blue berries. Enjoy!
Oh my... that has to be one of the most delicious-looking things I have ever seen. Thanks for sharing!