I have had a busy week in the garden, taking out the old rocket and spinach, and making way for zucchini, squashes and tomatoes. The sugar snap peas are almost finished. Little Miss J has loved them, gobbling pea after pea straight from the plant.
We are trying strawberries, just hope Miss J leaves them on the plant until they are ripe.
It is so satisfying eating from the garden. Last night we roasted beetroot straight from the soil, sweet and nutty, and almost every day we have a mixed salad of rainbow chard, spinach and lettuce leaves.
I love walking straight through the greens section of the supermarket because we simply don't need any.
We are finally enjoying some flowers. The California Poppies are flowering, the salvia is in spike, and the sedum is growing in. I love deep pink and burned orange of this California Poppy variety - called Jelly Beans. I hope it self seeds and comes back on its own next year.
The crazy pear trees have finally decided to blossom. I have been worried because all the neighbours trees flowered weeks ago. Hopefully some regular nitrogen will stimulate some good leaf growth for summer.
I picked these succulent clippings from a neighbouring garden on a walk with Little Miss J. They are hardening off for a few days and then I am going to plant them in the tough hot spots on the sides of the house. The weeds seem to have been thriving in these spots so hopefully there is enough soil for these lovely succulents to get a hold onto.
The hooks are up on the wall as planned. Just as well as summer seems to be here at a last and the towels and swimming costumes always seem to be wet. Much tidier with this system. No more towels draped on the pool fence or puddling soggily on the deck.
What's is happening in the garden at your place?
Awesome ' salad-story ' your life is truely...' enriched '